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Professional high jump landing area with spikeproof cover 3x4x0,5m

Professional high jump landing area with spikeproof cover 3x4x0,5m

Product code: ZWK50-P300400


Mati katted on valmistatud tugevast PVC'st, mis on vastupidav rebenemisele ning samal ajal ka meeldiv nahale ja mugav kasutajale. Katte küljed on valmistatud PVC võrgust, tagamaks õhu ligipääsu. Maandumispaiga põhi on valmistatud spetsiaalsest mittelibisevast materjalist, mis takistab mati liikumist maapinnal. Tänu sellele on matt stabiilsem, ohutum ning mugavam kasutajale. Kõik kasutatud PVC materjalid on ftalaadi vabad. Ftalaadid võivad soodustada terviseprobleemide teket!

Mati pinnad on kergesti puhastatavad ja desifitseeritavad. Matid on varustatud tugevast materjalist kandeaasadega.


Mati sisuks on tunnelsüsteemiga kvaliteetne polüuretaanvaht tihedusega 21kg/m3, mis tagab õhu vaba liikumise ja hea amortisatsiooni.

PVC ja PVC võrgu värvivalik on väljatoodud galeriis.

Vihmakate, alusraam ja mati angaar on eraldi tellimisel.

Küsi pakkumist!

Professional high jump landing area with spikeproof cover 3x4x0,5m
Professional high jump landing area with spikeproof cover 3x4x0,5m
Professional high jump landing area with spikeproof cover 3x4x0,5m
Professional high jump landing area with spikeproof cover 3x4x0,5m
Professional high jump landing area with spikeproof cover 3x4x0,5m
Professional high jump landing area with spikeproof cover 3x4x0,5m
Professional high jump landing area with spikeproof cover 3x4x0,5m

For questions concerning the construction and assembly of sports equipment, please contact the project managers, who will help you orient yourself in the world of sports equipment and find answers to the questions that have arisen. Also, please contact us if you did not find the product you were interested in from the product list. We are trying to find a solution with the help of our many foreign partners.