Sports facilities
Sport surfaces
Equipment storage
Tribunes grandstands
Multisport arenas
Sports nets
Dividing curtains
Sports electronics
Seats and benches
Protection pads for walls and posts
Special orders
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Kõrgushüppemattide transpordikäru
Product code: TRNS011 Lihtne ja mugav viis mattide transpordiks inventari ruumist spordisaali. Kasutades käru väldime mattide lohistamist, tänu sellele pikeneb mattide eluiga märkimisväärselt.
- Kõrgushüppemattide transpordikäru 2x1,3m.
- Kõrgus põrandast platvormile 25cm
- Täis keevisraam.
- Pulbervärvitud (värvus RAL tabelist vastavalt kliendi soovile).
- Tasapind veekindel sile vineer
- Platformilt mõõdetuna käepidete kõrgus: 1.4m
- Mitte markeerivad lukusatavad kummirattad.

For questions concerning the construction and assembly of sports equipment, please contact the project managers, who will help you orient yourself in the world of sports equipment and find answers to the questions that have arisen. Also, please contact us if you did not find the product you were interested in from the product list. We are trying to find a solution with the help of our many foreign partners.