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Reie sirutaja Movemia M010
Reie sirutaja Movemia M010

Reie kõverdaja Movemia M030
Reie kõverdaja Movemia M030

Jalapress Movemia M050
Jalapress Movemia M050

Rinnalt surumise trenazöör Movemia M070
Rinnalt surumise trenazöör Movemia M070

Õlatrenazöör Movemia M090
Õlatrenazöör Movemia M090

Biitsepsitrenažöör Movemia M130
Biitsepsitrenažöör Movemia M130

Triitsepsitrenažöör Movemia M160
Triitsepsitrenažöör Movemia M160

L550B Üla/alatõmbe trenažöör raskuspakiga
L550B Üla/alatõmbe trenažöör raskuspakiga

Reie kõverdaja, istudes Movemia M170
Reie kõverdaja, istudes Movemia M170

L050 Jalapress trenažöör raskuspakiga
L050 Jalapress trenažöör raskuspakiga

Ülatõmbe trenažöör L110
Ülatõmbe trenažöör L110

Jõukeskus PL350B
Jõukeskus PL350B

Reie sirutaja L170B
Reie sirutaja L170B

3488.68€ 2988.60€

Ab / Lower back L610
Ab / Lower back L610

Abdominal L310
Abdominal L310

Abduction and adduction L250
Abduction and adduction L250

Assisted kneeling chin and dip L450
Assisted kneeling chin and dip L450

Biceps curl L130
Biceps curl L130

Biceps curl X130
Biceps curl X130

Biceps/ triceps (dual) L140
Biceps/ triceps (dual) L140

Butterfly L270
Butterfly L270

Chest press L070
Chest press L070

Chest/Shoulder press (dual) L080
Chest/Shoulder press (dual) L080

Deltoid raise L490
Deltoid raise L490

Gluteous kneeling X330
Gluteous kneeling X330

Horizontal triceps L160
Horizontal triceps L160

Leg Extension L010
Leg Extension L010

Leg Extension/Curl L020
Leg Extension/Curl L020

Lower back X510
Lower back X510

Lying leg curl L030
Lying leg curl L030

Rear Deltoid / Peck deck L410
Rear Deltoid / Peck deck L410

Rotary Torso L430
Rotary Torso L430

Seated calf L210
Seated calf L210

Seated row L290
Seated row L290

Seated triceps L150
Seated triceps L150

Seated triceps X150
Seated triceps X150

Shoulder press L090
Shoulder press L090

Total hip L340
Total hip L340

Total hip X340
Total hip X340